Associated persons

  • Andrej Pustogow
  • Yongkang Luo
  • Aaron Chronister
  • Yue-Shun Su
  • Dmitry A. Sokolov
  • Fabian Jerzembeck
  • Andrew P. Mackenzie
  • Clifford W. Hicks
  • Naoki Kikugawa
  • Sri Raghu
  • Eric D. Bauer
  • Stuart E. Brown

Paper title

Dipolar Order in Amphidynamic Crystalline Metal Organic Framework through Reorienting Linkers

Data Repository

Figure 3a and 3b
Figure 4a       Figure 4b
Figure 5a      Figure 5b       Figure 5c
Figure 6

The Monte Carlo code can be accessed at


  • National Science Foundation under grants DMR-1709304, DMR-1700471 and MRI-1532232 (solid state NMR).

Publisher: Nature Chemistry

Contact: Yue-Shun Su