Donating to the Department

The Physics and Astronomy Chair's Discretionary Fund is an extremely valuable source of funds for our department, permitting flexible, timely, and effective responses to the challenges of maintaining a world-class teaching and research environment. It directly supports many important initiatives that are unique to our department and have a wide-ranging impact on our students, faculty and also on the community. The link allows you to make your donation in honor or memory of someone.

Other opportunities include creating graduate student fellowships, distinguished ("named") postdoctoral fellow appointments, providing a permanent fund for maintenance of the planetarium theater, developing a permanent endowment of summer research funds for our undergraduates, and purchasing a state-of-the-art computer-controlled mill for the Machine Shop/ Instrument Fabrication Facility. In addition, all research groups such as biological physics, the galactic center group, the particle theory group, and others would appreciate your support. Please contact if you are interested.