Warren Mori
Theoretical Plasma
Office: PAB 4-913
Phone: 310-206-0372
UCLA Plasma Simulation Group
Educational Background
- University of California, Berkeley, B.S., June, 1981
- University of California, Los Angeles, M.S., June, 1984
- University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D., March, 1987
Selected Awards and Honors
- Fellow of the American Physical Society
- ICTP Medal for Excellence in Nonlinear Plasma Physics by a Young Researcher, 1995
- Visiting Fellow of Imperial College in London, England, 3/87-5/87
- Outstanding Graduate Student Award for School of Engineering and Applied Science, UCLA, 1987
Positions Held
- https://plasmasim.physics.ucla.edu/
- http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~plasma/
Selected Publications
- Tzeng, K-C., Mori, W.B., "Suppression of electron ponderomotive blowout and relativistic self-focusing by the occurrence of raman
scattering and plasma heating," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 104-107, July 1998.
- Hemker, R.G., Tzeng, K-C., Mori, W.B., Katsouleas, T., Clayton, C.E., "Computer simulations of cathodeless, high-brightness electron
beam production by multiple laser beams in plasmas," Physical Review E, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 5920-5928, May 1998.
- Tzeng, K-C., Mori, W.B., Katsouleas, T., "Beam characteristics from laser-driven wavebreaking", Physical Review Letters, Vol. 79, No.
26, pp. 5258-5261, December 1997.
- Yoshii,J., Lai, C.H., Katsouleas, T., Joshi, C., Mori, W.B., "Radiation from Cerenkov wakes in a magnetized plasma," Physical Review
Letters, Vol. 79, No. 21, pp. 4194-4197, November 1997.
- Mori, W.B., "The Physics of the Nonlinear Optics of Plasmas at Relativistic Intensities," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.
33, No. 11, pp. 1942-1953, November 1997.
- Tzeng, K-C., Mori, W. B., Decker, C. D. "The Anomalous Absorption and Scattering of Short-Pulse High-Intensity Lasers in Underdense
Plasmas," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 76, No. 18, pp. 3332-3335, April 1996.
- Mori, W. B., Katsouleas, T., Dawson, J.M., Lai, C. H. "Conversion of dc Fields in a Capacitor Array to Radiation by a Relativistic
Ionization Front," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 542-545, January 1995.
- W.B. Mori, C.D. Decker, D.E. Hinkel, and T. Katsouleas, "Raman Forward Scattering of Short-Pulse High-Intensity Lasers," Phys. Rev.
Lett., 72 1482 (1994).
- C.D. Decker and W.B. Mori, "Group Velocity of Large Amplitude Electromagnetic Waves in a Plasma," Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 490 (1994).
- W.B. Mori and T. Katsouleas, "Ponderomotive Force of an Electromagnetic Wave in a Time Varying Dielectric Medium," Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 3495 (1992).
- C.B. Darrow, C. Coverdale, M.D. Perry, W.B. Mori, C. Clayton, K. Marsh, and C. Joshi, "Strongly Coupled Stimulated Raman Backscatter from Sub-Picosecond Laser Plasma Interactions," Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 442 (1992).
- R.L. Savage, Jr., C. Joshi, and W.B. Mori, "Demonstration of Frequency Upshift and Pulse Compression of Electromagnetic Radiation by a Relativistic Ionization Front," Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 946 (1992).
- W.B. Mori, "Generation of Tunable Radiation Using an Underdense Ionization Front," Phys. Rev. A., 44, 5118 (1991).
- W.B. Mori and T. Katsouleas, "Wavebreaking of Longitudinal Plasma Oscillations," Physica Scripta T30, 127 (1990)
- S.C. Wilks, J.M. Dawson, W.B. Mori, C. Joshi, and T. Katsouleas, "A Photon Accelerator", Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 2600 (1989).
- S.C. Wilks, J.M. Dawson, and W.B. Mori, "Frequency Up-Conversion of Electromagnetic Radiation Using an Overdense Plasma," Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 337 (1988).
- T. Katsouleas and W.B. Mori, "Wave-Breaking Amplitude of Relativistic Oscillations in a Thermal Plasma," Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 90, (1988).
- W.B. Mori, C. Joshi, J.M Dawson, D.W. Forslund, and J.M. Kindel, "Evolution of Self-Focusing of Intense Electromagnetic Waves in Plasma," Phys. Rev. Lett., 60, 1298 (1988).
- W.B. Mori, "On Beat Wave Excitation of Relativistic Plasma Waves," IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, special issue on Plasma-Based High-Energy Accelerators, ed. by T. Katsouleas (April 1987).
- D. W. Forslund, J. M. Kindel, W. B. Mori, C. Joshi, and J. M. Dawson, "Two-Dimensional Studies of Single Frequency and Beat Wave Laser-Plasma Heating," Phys. Rev. Letters, 54, 558 (1985).
- C. Joshi, W. B. Mori, T. Katsouleas, J. M. Dawson, J. M. Kindel, and D. W. Forslund, "Ultra-High Gradient Particle Acceleration by Intense Laser-Driven Plasma Density Waves," Nature, 311, 525, (1984).
- W. B. Mori, C. Joshi, and J. M. Dawson, "A Plasma Wave Accelerator-Surfatron II," IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., NS-30, 3244 (1983).